“The amazing thing of course, is how fast you can get back on your feet…”

There's Light At The End Of The Tunnel For "Cash-Starved" Small Businesses

New Government-Approved Restructuring and Debt Bailout Available For Almost Any Hard-Hit Small Business Owners… If They Are Lucky Enough To Learn A Few Simple Secrets...

Literally Hidden In Plain Sight Until Now!

Keep Reading... Get "Insider" Short-Cuts And Learn...

Why Almost Every Small Business Owner In America... Is Dead Wrong... About The New 2020 "Bankruptcy Loophole"

Are You Too Busy Treading Water To "Stop The Bleeding" In 2020?

The Truth Is… Most Business Owners Are Way Too Busy “Grinding It Out” Each Day And Haven’t Heard About The New Business Bankruptcy Law Passed February 20th Of This Year Designed To Literally "Bail Them Out"And Get Them Back On Their Feet... If They Qualify.

Breaking: "The new 'CARE Act' bankruptcy bill contains enormously-effective provisions for getting you and your business back on track... now available to U.S. small businesses for the first time!"

If you own a business and it's struggling under the weight of financial forces you didn't create, this will be the single most important message you will hear in 2020.

Here is why.

There is now a completely legal (and ultra-fast) way to restructure and unload your business and personal debts even if you've never heard about the new opportunity until now.

Many attorneys don't even know about it yet. But all that changing for the better. And...

News of this new "fast-track bankruptcy" is spreading like wildfire as financially devastated but astute business owners all across the country are finally able to get out from under their unbearably painful debt issues.

Why are businessmen so excited about the new Care Act bankruptcy provision?

The answer is easy: you see, unlike normal bankruptcy reorganization plans in the past, this new plan is extremely "friendly" towards debtors. And according to the new provisions...

Business owners with debts up to 7.5 million dollars can stop the bleeding and... get a new start.

This new law contains several highly unusual provisions (three of which are extremely slanted towards small businesses who are deep in debt) that when combined together produce... as some legal experts are calling it... a much needed "bailout" for the little guy.

This simply means... all... of the new rules... are designed... to be a faster and much more effective way to get businesses... of all kinds... back on their feet again.

This is because of the actual intent of the new Care Act and the way it was passed into law. Which was to create an opportunity for "corona-crushed" small businesses... to get through a bankruptcy reorganization plan quickly... retain ownership of their assets and get back into the game, doing what they do best!

Bottom line: this is a truly incredible, legal (and historic) way for almost any small business to get out of debt and yet stay in business.

Announcing The First Ever...

"Pockets Of Light" 

Fast-Track... Off-Load And Restructure Business Debt... 

War-Room Coaching And Strategy Training Exclusively For Small Businesses

Pockets Of Light... Because There Is Light At The End Of The Tunnel For You And Your Business!

This new"crash-course" will get you ready for the journey... making sure you present your attorney with an "almost there" plan.

I will explain... in plain... unvarnished language... how to get out of debt and get your business back on track again. 

You'll learn how to create an informed... business "war-room" turn-around plan using a strategy informed by the latest bankruptcy rulings and briefings... designed to give you the edge you'll need. 

This is important because your specific tactics and strategies will determine whether you qualify and just how fast you can get through the new process.

The good news?

If you qualify... you can instantly stop harassing creditors... and get the peace of mind necessary to work through the process... ultimately creating a restructured business turn-a-round plan for the road ahead.

To do this right... you need an inside look at how the new law can be used in federal court. This bold new "fast track" training will...

Prepare you to talk to the right bankruptcy attorney... saving you thousands and saving your attorney an awful lot of time.


It's "crunch time" in this country... crunch time for you and your business too... with perhaps more financial trouble down the road. This is not a time to hesitate or equivocate.

Which is why... 

You need a real...

"Black Hawk Down

Bankruptcy Plan!"

This is NOT a bankruptcy coaching and training strategy for "civilians". Ordinary people have no idea what you've been through as a business owner. Nope. This is war. Because your business and your life are under siege!

Which Is Why You Need... Hardcore... No B.S. ...

"War-Room" Bankruptcy Coaching In Easy To Understand Language

Disgusted... frustrated and finally fed up?

You Can Beat The System!

It can be done. And is being done RIGHT NOW… by small business owners just like you. More and more small business men and women have been using the new law to get the best of the “Bad Guys” … and come up WINNERS!

So yes... It is possible to beat the system. That's the good news. But you have to play by the rules. And the rules have changed. In this course, you'll learn how the law has been changed to help small businesses out in ways never before seen in U.S. history.

This training course reveals how to use the new rules to...

"Off-Load" Debt In Big Chunks

How to use the new "cram-down" rule to... change some asset valuations and create market value prices that reflect real world prices.

This could be one of the most important provisions in the new law... yet few people know anything about it. I'll give you examples so you understand the ins and outs.

Your creditors are not going to like this one. Trust me. But it's one of many new provisions you can use.

Crucial course content...

   "Butt-Ugly"              Bankruptcy       Mistakes To Avoid

Sound crazy? The truth is you may only have one chance to convince all parties involved that you can pull off your chapter 11 plan.

That's why you should have your act together before you see your attorney. This training will provide the insurance you need.

The new rules allow you to do it too...

High-Speed Bankruptcy "Rescue" Strategies

Chapter 11 bankruptcy used to be a slow process taking from six months to up to two years or more just to get all parties in agreement and approved by the court.

The new chapter 11 sub-chapter V is designed to "fast track" debt restructure and get your business profitable again. But all this assumes that you and your attorney have your act together.

Seriously, they've changed the law... so you can do it too!

New Small-Business

"Debt Relief" Is Now Available... But Few Knew How To Get Started...

 Until Now!

Powerful "Debt Relief" Tools For Small Business Are Now Legal And Available. (if you qualify)

Here's What Financial And Legal Experts Are Saying...

Even after reading articles in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes or the publications above... it may be hard to believe that you can actually restructure your debts...

Perhaps faster than you previously thought possible. 

I want to assure that while there are no guarantees in life... this opportunity is real... and not some "waste your time" scam... deceitfully designed by internet bandits or some scum-sucking interlopers who will walk you down a dark alley and rob you blind. (all metaphoric hopefully)

No. This training is different. 

Here is why...

I've designed this coaching with one goal in mind: To save you money (a lot of it) by educating you on the new laws and help get you and your business... back-on-track... by restructuring your debts as quickly as humanly possible in… 

A World Gone Mad!

The world is spinning is out of control...  don't be ruined financially... because it's your turn to win...

Here Are The Down And Dirty,

 "No B.S." Bankruptcy Secrets 

 You'll Learn In This Training 


Module 1: Using The New Bankruptcy Law To Off-Load And Restructure Your Debts... Allowing You To Safely Bail-Out For A Soft Landing (1 Hour 10 Minutes)

We’ll go into the details of the CARE Act Feb 20, 2020 and how it has radically affected the bankruptcy code. You’ll learn why almost no one knows about the new law (even most attorneys I’ve talked to) and why that's important right now. 

The goal of this module is to get you "up to speed" on the new rules as well as demonstrate through recent case studies how the new rules could apply to your particular situation.


Module 2: "Hard-Ball" Bankruptcy: Negotiating Power For Small Businesses  (1 Hour 43 Minutes)

In this module you'll learn why nice guys fail in bankruptcy court. You'll also learn why dishonest guys (or gals) get themselves into trouble. Then... you'll learn how to use the secrets of "power negotiating" that the new rules allow.

You'll learn legal tricks to masterfully turn almost any position of weakness into a position of strength in court.


Module 3: Fast-Track Turnarounds: "Magic Words" Trustees And Federal Bankruptcy Judges Need To Hear So Your Plan Can Be Approved (1 hour)

Once you file... you'll need an administrative plan going forward. This part of the process can trip up even the most astute entrepreneurs. If you can't convince the court you can make your business profitable again... forget about getting your plan approved.

This module discusses the details of presenting your plan and persuading a trustee and a federal bankruptcy judge that you have your act together. Here's where you actually bail out for a soft landing and move forward with confidence. 



Module 4: Small Business Survival Strategies For Scary And Chaotic Times (2 hours 14 minutes)


This module will teach you how to rework your marketing plan. The focus will be on positioning and copy-writing in times of chaos. The bankruptcy rules have changed... but so have the rules of engaging your customers. This actually may be the most important section in the entire course.  

Much of the material is from my private correspondence and interaction with legendary copywriter Gary Halbert when we worked together  years ago. Gary was very specific about copy written for recession. This material has never been presented to the public before.

Chicken Soup For The "Broken And Bruised" Business Owner's Soul          (1 Hour)

In this module, you'll learn that you're not alone in your journey. You'll find out how many other small business owners are now filing Chapter 11 Sub V and perhaps more importantly... you'll hear about some of the most amazing turn-a-round stories in American business history. Many on the rebound from a devastating bankruptcy!

You'll also learn a formula for "extreme resiliency" in difficult times.  This material is great if you need to "snap of it" and re-engage getting your heart back into the needed growth and prosperity mindset.  

"Pockets Of Light"

(For Your Eyes Only!)


Power Tools To Help You "Snap Out Of It" And Move Forward With Confidence

Bonus #1
How To Find A "Tiger" Attorney

How to give any bankruptcy lawyer the  “tiger” test and why you should "dump'um" fast if he or she fails the test.

Bonus #2
The Inner Psychology Of Winning In A Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Battle

How to think and plan like Attila the Hun, then behave like St. Francis of Assisi when you're in court.

Bonus #3
 Deadly "Money Hiding" Mistakes  

Thinking you can outsmart the court by hiding money is one mistake you don't ever want to make. Learn why this is crucial.

About The Course Instructor,
Bill Heid

Bill Heid has been in the business trenches for over 50 years. He's started many companies from scratch and built recent one to 30 million a year in sales. He's also a copywriter, trained by the legendary Gary Halbert and has ran the back-end for Gary on more than a few big promotions. 

Why is he teaching this course? As a business man with difficult debt issues himself... thanks to unbelievable "black swan event" ... he was shocked that he new knew more about the new Chapter 11 options than almost all the attorneys and credit councilors he consulted. 

Is he an attorney?  No. While he is a member of the American Bankruptcy Institute... Specific legal advise should come from a competent attorney. Insight from his perspective could save you a lot time and money.

christian audio adventures

Politicians And Bureaucrats Have Just Given "Small Businesses" An Honorable Way Out For A Change...

You're Already Mad... Now You Can Legally Get Even... But You Do Have To Get Started

The Truth Is... We're All Sick Of  

Big Business Bailouts...

Every day... more and more small and medium size businesses are filing under the new Chapter 11 Sub Chapter V rules...

Here's Your Ticket On The Last Train Out!

Time is running out for business owners who want to use...

the new Chapter 11 Sub V bankruptcy rules.

Take action now...

Because your whole way of life is on the line...

Why Play 

"Deep Debt" Roulette

With Your Business?

The next time you think about what the future holds for you and your business... ask yourself:

Do I feel Lucky?

Think about all you've been through... the brutal wear and tear on your heart, body and soul.

Think about the value of speeding up the process.

Think about what actionable information is worth.

Think about the cost of doing nothing.

The truth is... knowledge is power... but only if applied. 


What if you could go to your attorney with a "per-packaged plan" in hand. 

Could that be the single fastest way out? Well...

If you do this right... you could off-load hundreds of thousands of dollars in unsecured debt... and restructure hundreds of thousands of dollars in secured business debt. Maybe more. 

Maybe millions. 

This advanced coaching program doesn't cost $7,500 or $5,000 or even $2,500. 


Keep reading...

Fast-Track Training

Pre-Packaged Chapter 11 Sub V Planning

Next 20 Sign-Ups Pay Only...



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  • Access To All Modules
Advanced Training

Pre-Packaged Plus Personal Help

Next 12 Sign-Ups Pay Only...



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  • Access To All Modules
  • All Bonuses
  • Help Finding A Tiger Attorney
  • 30 Minute Private Coaching Call
regular course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
Advanced course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • X number of bonuses
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 30 minute private coaching call

The Best Part?

Don’t Pay Anything Today!

Listen, I know you're underwater... maybe your life seems like a bad horror flick right now, which is why I don’t want you to pay for this training course... until... after you’ve made sure this training... is the real deal.

Here’s what I mean by that: all you have to do is place your online order and I'll gladly enroll you in the training course... but we will NOT process your credit card for... 29 days! 

That means, for whatever reason… if you decide the course and training are not valuable to you, all you have to do is give customer service a call before day 25 and...

Your Credit Card Charge Will Be Destroyed... 

Without… Ever Being Processed!

Why would I and my company Powerful Living do this? Because I don’t want to deposit a single penny of your money until you’ve had a chance to use the course, understand your options and see if Chapter 11 Sub-chapter V is right for you.

Does that sound strange to you? I’m sorry if it does, but no matter what... I intend to treat you like would like to be treated.

In other words, I think you deserve to be able to get the training... before we allow the accountants to process your credit card.

And the fact remains... you can only make this kind of offer... if... you feel 100% certain... that the course materials are going to provide small business owners with powerful strategies and tactics for getting back on track.

It's just that simple.

Don’t Wait!

 Here Are Three Reasons You Should Enroll In This Training Course As Soon As Humanly Possible

This new Chapter 11 Sub V plan drastically sides with small businesses and makes it much harder for creditors to dictate what your plan will look like. I explain all this in the course... but politics could soon change everything. Right now... all this is legal.

Reason #1

The "Debt          Relief Clock"  

Is  Ticking...

The clock is ticking for small businesses (with debt of less than $7.5 million) to take advantage of a new way to restructure under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. The new sub-chapter V (“five”) – part of the Corona-Virus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act of 2020 (the “CARES Act”) – is set to expire in a few months.

Reason #2

An Offer That May
Never Be Made Again 

I'm willing to do this training for very little money. But I may soon have to withdraw the offer because I simply don't have the man-power to work with the current "title-wave" of damaged small businesses in this country.

This may be one of those times when... "he who hesitates is lost."

Reason #3

Crowded Courts From A Larger Financial Meltdown 

Many economists say the risk of a systemic economic collapse remains high. If a panic is triggered, a cascading cross-default will force hundreds of thousands of small businesses into insolvency.

This could jam the courts for years. If you thought about restructuring before... please give careful consideration ASAP.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is This Course Designed To Replace My Attorney?

What Will I Actually Have When I'm Done With This Course?

How Long Does The Chapter 11 Sub-Chapter V Process Take?

Do All Federal Bankruptcy Judges Make Rulings From The Same Set Of Laws?

Why Should I Take This Fast-Track Course Before Seeing An Attorney?

Can Any Business Qualify For Chapter 11 Sub V?

Will You Help Me With My Turn-A-Round Plan?

What Could Get My Filing And My Plan Screwed Up?

Why Do I Need An Administrative Plan To Get My Chapter 11 Sub-Chapter V Approved?

Can You Help Me Find An Attorney In My Area?

Can You Guarantee My Judge Will Approve My Plan?

Please Be Advised.. The Economy Could Still "Melt Down"... Especially If We Face More Lock Downs

Is your business being set up for another crippling lock-down?

"Betrayed Again!"

Political Fat Cats... Who've Never Ran A Business... Who've Never Made A Payroll... Maybe Never Worked A Real Job In Their Lives... Are Busily Preparing More Lock-Downs And More Outrageous "Over-Reach"... Giving With One Hand And Taking Away With The Other

This may be the last time I'll be able to talk to you about this new small business bailout. So I sincerely urge you: Even if you're skeptical... PLEASE - FOR YOUR OWN SAKE - Heed These Warnings - Please Check This Information Out Independently - You Risk Nothing.

Which Is Another Way Of Saying...

The Actual Training Is FREE If You Want!

Fast-Track Training

Pre-Packaged Chapter 11 Sub V Planning

Next 20 Sign-Ups Pay Only...



  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access To All Modules
Advanced Training

Pre-Packaged Plus Personal Help

Next 12 Sign-Ups Pay Only...



  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access To All Modules
  • All Bonuses
  • Help Finding A Tiger Attorney
  • 30 Minute Private Coaching Call
regular course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
Advanced course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • X number of bonuses
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 30 minute private coaching call

A Personal Note From Bill Heid

Small businesses like yours are literally the backbone of our economy. The greatest "productivity engine" in the history of the world. And yet, how many times have you gone to bed wondering how much longer you can survive in a world spinning out of control. 

You need some breathing room. I believe with all my heart that the new relief plan can help. 

Now, let's discuss something very important. How can you determine if I'm telling you the truth about all this? How can you tell if I'm "for real" and I can help or if I'm just a bag of hot air? Since I'm a stranger to you, there is simply no way for you to know up-front if I am honest or not. 

I've thought about that a lot and that's why I decided to go ahead and train you... telling you all about this "debtors secret weapon" for small businesses and...

Not charge you for the training until 29 days later.

Listen, because this fast-track training will bring you "up to speed" and get you ready for restructuring and relief... I can make that kind of offer. We both know that you can only do that if you are 100% certain you can be a game-changer for your client. 

It's that simple.